Almost all the cuisines in the world have their own chicken stock recipe and it is considered as an essential base of many dishes.
The recipe of this chicken stock is not a soup but a base which mission is to give more flavor to the food that is being cooked like the soups, creams, salsas, etc.
Unlike other stocks, the chicken stock with the Mexican touch is characterized for having a pure, elaborated and fresh flavor as it is prepared with many ingredients. Its color is golden, it has a pleasant aroma and some slight spicy notes.
About the Recipe
This is one of the recipes that we like to make for its simplicity. Only the ingredients have to be chopped and cooked.
To make the stock you can use the chicken pieces that you want, even bones and skin.
If you want to prepare a low fat broth use skinless chicken breasts.
We give the recipe with pore because it gives more flavor to the stock, if you don’t find it use 1/2 onion.
Since the broth undergoes a slow cooking it lasts to be ready. But in this way all the flavor of the ingredients is obtained.
Cut into chunks the carrots that were peeled, 2.2 lbs of chicken pieces, 2 celery stalks, 2 zucchinis and 1 ear of corn. Upon completion put them in a saucepan.
Cook All the Ingredients
Also add in the saucepan, along with the other ingredients:
Bring the saucepan water to a boil over high heat.
When it boils reduce to low heat and leave the broth cooking for 3 hours.
Make sure that the ingredients are always covered with water because it will consume. If scum accumulates on the surface remove it.
If the stock is prepared in pressure cooker, just cook it for approximately 1 hour 10 minutes.
Remove from the chicken stock, with a kitchen spoon, the ingredients that were cooked.
Strain over a food container the chicken stock.
When the chicken stock cools is possible that a fat layer will accumulate, if this happens remove it.
That’s All... So Easy
Tip: The stock can be poured in an ice cube tray, freeze them and you will get frozen natural chicken consomme cubes; which will serve to season future dishes.
Recommendation: If you have a whim of an immediate soup. Just pour the stock in a plate, add some of the vegetables that were cooked and shredded pieces of the chicken that was cooked.
Variation: If you want a different stock you can prepare the beef stock.
Buy this ear of corn so your stock has the best flavor.
These jalapeno peppers will give a very special hotness to your stock.
To cook the stock you will need a large saucepan like the Excelsteel. The advantage of this saucepan is that it is very resistant because it is made of stainless steel and since its base is encapsulated it distributes better the heat.