In this salsa we are going to use one of the most important ingredients that the Mexican cuisine has given to the world “the tomato”.
– The Spaniards named it tomatillo, being the most similar word to the Nahuatl “tomatl”. When they arrived to Europe the Italians named it pomo-doro, may be because the first tomatoes that arrive were yellow like the gold.
For this reason when someone thinks in tomato salsa, one automatically thinks in Italy and their delicious pastas with tomato salsa. Well, these dishes can also be adapted to a Mexican version and that change is made by using the Mexican style tomato salsa and just as it may be expected this salsa will be spicy.
In the Mexican style tomato salsa the flavor of the chili with spices is incorporated, which are fused in an exquisite way with the tomato’s flavor – the flavor and the aroma of this salsa are really unique.
Remove the seeds and the veins of 3 arbol peppers.
By removing the seeds and the veins of the arbol peppers, the tomato salsa will have a better texture.
Incorporate in a saucepan:
The 3 Arbol Peppers with the ones you worked.
4 Tomatoes.
The enough Water to cover all the ingredients.
Bring the saucepan water to a boil over high heat and leave the ingredients cooking in the boiling water for about 5 minutes, until the chilies soften and change to a paler color.
Transfer from the saucepan to a blender, with a kitchen spoon, the chilies and the tomatoes that were cooked.