The mole is one of the most representative plates of the Mexican cuisine and without a doubt one of the recipes that has more variations. It is also served with countless presentations across the length and breadth of the country. This salsa is the result of the miscegenation of the Prehispanic cuisine and the European influence.
The original mole is known as “Puebla Style Mole” that is very elaborated and it has a very long list of ingredients. This recipe is a simplified version of that mole and it can be a great culinary start, if you had never prepared a mole at home.
As in the traditional recipe a selection of dried chilies are combined with other ingredients to obtain a spicy and aromatic salsa. Less sweet than the original but with a great richness in aromas and seasoning.
The best option is to serve it over some cooked chicken pieces and accompanied of a Mexican rice and the freshly made tortillas cannot be missed.
About the Recipe
Although all the moles are elaborated and they require time and attention in their preparation, this is one of the simplest that there is.
The original recipe is given with lard. If you want it can be substituted with vegetable shortening.
Prepare the chicken stock that is required in the preparation so the mole will have a more sophisticated flavor.
The chipotle peppers that are used in this recipe must be dried.
Remove the veins and the seeds of 12 mulato peppers, 15 ancho peppers and 20 dried chipotle peppers.
Put on a griddle over medium heat all the chilies with the ones you worked and roast them for about 2 minutes, until all their sides are lightly roasted; move them regularly with some tongs.
Don’t roast the chilies for a long time because its flavor becomes bitter.
Transfer from the griddle to a blender, with the tongs, all the chilies that were roasted; then set aside.
Roast More Ingredients...
Put on the griddle over medium heat:
2 Tomatoes.
1 Garlic head.
Roast the griddle ingredients for about 4 minutes, until all their sides are moderately roasted; move them regularly with the tongs.
Transfer from the griddle to the blender, with the tongs, the 2 tomatoes that were roasted and reserve.
Remove from the griddle the garlic head and wait until it cools a little.
Separate the garlic cloves from the garlic head that was roasted and peel them; upon completion put them in the blender.
Blend the Ingredients and Cook the Mole
Incorporate in the blender, along with the other ingredients:
Mix the saucepan ingredients and bring the simple Puebla style mole to a boil over high heat.
When the simple Puebla style mole boils reduce to low heat and cook it for about 30 minutes, until it thickens and acquires a more intense color; stir occasionally.
Ready for Tasting...
Suggestion: When the mole is served add some roasted sesame seeds. They will give an exquisite touch to the dish and they will serve as garnish.