This mole is originally from the town of Xico, in Veracruz. This beautiful location, situated in the center of the state of Veracruz, was designated “Magical Village” in 2011 and it keeps all the colonial charm of the province, surrounded by mountains and large coffee plantations. Its gastronomy is extensive and its most famous and typical preparation is the mole from Xico.
This mole is similar to the Puebla style mole, but the combination of its ingredients turn out into a sweeter salsa than the traditional mole – but equally delicious and complex in flavors and aromas. In fact is the sweetest mole that there is within the large mole repertoire that exists in Mexico.
Traditionally it is served with pieces of cooked turkey or chicken; and accompanied of some refried beans and Mexican rice. It is also typical of the region to use this mole in parties to put to enchiladas or to chicken tacos.
About the Recipe
If you have patience and love for the cuisine you will be able to go through this recipe.
Possibly the most difficult about this recipe is getting the xoconostle, a fruit that cannot be replaced.
In this recipe corn tortilla is used, preferably that is a little bit dried, so the mole has a better consistency. Although a tostada could also be used.
Give a very special flavor to the mole with a chicken stock prepared by you.