The guajillo pepper is one of the most used chilies in the Mexican recipe book. Sometimes it is used alone and in other occasions it is used accompanied by other chilies but regardless the situation you will see the guajillo pepper in stews, soups, adobos, moles, pipianes, etc.
The guajillo pepper salsa is a very interesting preparation that gives as result a salsa that is very tasty, full-bodied and very versatile. It is lightly spicy but the guajillo’s intense flavor confers a very particular essence.
This salsa is very universal, similar to the green salsa. What we mean with “universal” is that it can be used in almost any dish. Simply place it on the center of the table and you will see how it will be used in dishes where you never imagined seeing it. Another quality of this salsa is that it is liquid therefore is perfect for bathing some enchiladas.
About the Recipe
This preparation is very different, you will like it a lot.
Among the ingredients 1 tortilla is needed so the salsa has a better consistency. Preferably use the tortilla dried so the consistency will be even better.
The salsa is prepared with chicken stock and if a homemade chicken stock is used, the flavor of your salsa will be phenomenal.
The preparation requires about although you won’t work in the recipe all the time.