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Chilmole Recado
for Black Filling

This is another of the famous Yucatecan recaudos or recados, which consist of a mixture of spices and herbs ; which are combined in a paste. This condiment is used to season different stews and dishes.

It is believed that the chilmole recado is a synonym of the
black recado. Although the reality is that they are 2 different recipes that have the same application – season the black filling. The chilmole has the particularity of incorporating burned chilies, that later are mixed with some spices and more ingredients ; to obtain a kind of dry salsa.

Although the use of this recado is quite specific it can also be put in a saucepan while some chicken pieces are cooked. The chicken pieces hue is going to be very dark and the flavor very interesting.

About the Recipe

  • This recipe is not difficult but some chilies are going to be burnt on the stove, be very careful.
  • To make the chilmole a dried chili is used known in Yucatan as Japanese chili. It is very difficult to get but it can be substituted for mulato pepper.
  • Since the chilies are going to be burnt in the preparation, we recommend putting a fan in your kitchen because they will release a lot of smoke.
  • To burn the chilies tequila is used, buy a cheap tequila because its only function is of burning chilies.
  • You will need 20 minutes in this preparation.
  • The recipe is for 1½ cups.


  • 20 Japanese Chilies (7 oz) or 20 Mulato Peppers (7 oz)
  • 1 Garlic head (2.1 oz)
  • 6 Cloves
  • .3 oz of Achiote Paste
  • 4 tablespoons of Oregano
  • 1 teaspoon of Cumin
  • 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (4.2 fl oz)
  • 2 tablespoons of Tequila
  • 2 Black Peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon of Pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Salt

  • Cookware

  • 1 Frying Pan
  • 1 Blender
  • 1 Bowl
  • 1 Chopping Board
  • 1 Tongs
  • 1 Turner
  • 1 Knife

  • Directions

    Work with the Chilies

    1. Remove the veins and the seeds of 20 Japanese chilies or 20 mulato peppers.
    2. Pour over the chilies with the ones you worked 2 tablespoons of tequila and reserve.
    3. Take with some tongs 1 chili with the ones you worked, put it on the stove with the direct fire and burn it for about 15 seconds, until all their sides are totally black; move it regularly.

    Be very careful because is possible that a flame will come out when the chili is introduced in the fire.

    1. Put in a bowl the chili that was burnt and reserve.
    2. Repeat the same procedure with the other 19 chilies with the once you worked.
    3. Cover the chilies that were put in the bowl with hot water and leave them soaking for about 10 minutes, until they recover some consistency.

    While the Chilies Soak...

    1. Put in a frying pan over medium heat:
    • 6 Cloves.
    • 1 teaspoon of Cumin.
    • 2 Black Peppercorns.
    • 1 tablespoon of Pepper

    1. Roast the frying pan ingredients for approximately 1 minute, until they are moderately roasted; stir regularly.
    2. Transfer from the frying pan to a blender the spices that were roasted, then reserve.
    3. Put in the frying pan over medium heat 1 garlic head and roast it for about 5 minutes, until all their sides are well roasted; stir regularly.
    4. Remove from the frying pan the garlic head and wait until it cools a little.
    5. Separate the garlic cloves from the garlic head that was roasted, peel them and put them in the blender. Then set aside.

    Blend the Ingredients

    1. Verify that the chilies that were left soaking have recovered some consistency, if not leave them soaking for a longer time.
    2. Transfer from the bowl to the blender, with the tongs, the chilies that were soaked.
    3. Also add in the blender, along with the other ingredients:

    1. Blend very well the ingredients.

    Yucatecan Flavors
    in your Plate

    Tip: This recado can be preserved in the freezer perfectly well for about 3 months.

    Variation: Now know the white recado , a basic recado of the Yucatecan cuisine.

    Did you like the Chilmole?

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    Additional Info

    To make this recipe some long tongs are needed like the OXO.

    If you did not find the Japanese chili it can be bought here.

    If you want to buy achiote paste this one has the best flavor.

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