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Wind Fritters
sweet and light

The wind fritters are one of the oldest traditions of the december holidays. They are of Mozarab origin, they came to Mexico in the hand of the Spaniards and as always the recipe has been adapted to the local uses and traditions .

– The first gastronomic reference, of this recipe, is found in a recipe transcription of the cuisine book of cloister from the San Jeronimo Convent. Made by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz in the XVII century.

The wind fritters are fried dough balls that are sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon . They are called “wind" because when they are fried they grow a lot and the inside remains hollow, light, full of bubbles and full of wind.

The difference that these fritters have with the Spanish ones, is that
vanilla is used in the preparation to give them a very special flavor. In Mexico the wind fritters can be found at fair stalls and in food markets.

About the Recipe

  • The laborious part of this recipe consists of preparing the dough, then frying the wind fritters is easy.
  • It is very important to fry the wind fritters dough with a vegetable oil because the olive oil is not good for frying dough.
  • You have to get vanilla extract to prepare these fritters because it gives a sensational flavor.
  • The wind fritters will be ready in 20 minutes.
  • This recipe is for approximately 15 wind fritters.


  • 3/4 of a cup of Wheat Flour (5.2 oz)
  • 2 Eggs (4.2 oz)
  • 2 tablespoons of Butter (1 oz)
  • 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 cup of Vegetable Oil (8.4 fl oz)
  • 1/2 cup of Whole Milk (4.2 fl oz)
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of Sugar

  • Cookware

  • 1 Saucepan
  • 1 Frying Pan
  • 1 Bowl
  • 1 Measuring Cup
  • 1 Tongs
  • 1 Balloon Whisk
  • 1 Strainer
  • 2 Spoons
  • 4 Paper Towels

  • Directions

    Prepare the Dough

    1. Sift over a bowl 3/4 of a cup of wheat flour, with a strainer; then set aside.

    The wheat flour has to be sifted so it is more pure, so it is easier to work with it and to obtain better results.

    1. Put in a saucepan over medium heat:
    • 2 tablespoons of Butter.
    • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract.
    • 1/2 tespoon of Salt.
    • 1/2 cup of Whole Milk.
    • 1/4 cup of Water (2 fl oz).

    1. Mix the saucepan ingredients with a balloon whisk, until the butter has dissolve.
    2. Reduce to low heat and add in the saucepan:
    • The Wheat Flour that was sifted.
    • 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder.

    1. Mix very well the saucepan ingredients with the balloon whisk, until having an homogeneous dough.
    2. Turn off the heat, incorporate in the saucepan 2 eggs and mix the ingredients with the balloon whisk, until having an homogeneous dough. Then set aside.

    The consistency of this dough is liquid with some cohesion.

    Fry the Dough

    1. Pour in a frying pan approximately 1 cup of vegetable oil, so you end up having about a 1/2’’ deep oil layer. Then heat the frying pan oil over high heat.
    2. Reduce to medium heat and make 1 dough ball (with the dough that was prepared) with 2 spoons.
    3. Put in the frying pan the dough ball that was made and fry it for about 20 second per each side, until it is moderately fried; turn it with some tongs.

    If the oil layer is deep enough, the dough ball will turn on its own.

    1. Transfer from the frying pan to some paper towels, with the tongs, the wind fritter so it dries and the fat excess is absorbed.
    2. Repeat the same procedure with all the dough that was prepared, it won’t be necessary to add more vegetable oil in the frying pan.
    3. Sprinkle on all the sides of the wind fritters:
    • Cinnamon to taste.
    • 2 tablespoons of Sugar.

    If the cinnamon and the sugar are added well in advance the wind fritters’ consistency will ruin.

    Enjoy your Dessert!

    Recommenadtion: Enjoy the wind fritters with a champurrado , you will love the combination .

    Variation: Try the fritters in its original version.

    Did you like the Fritters?

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    Additional Info

    If you are looking for vanilla... stop looking and buy this one, because it has the purest vanilla flavor.

    Strain the flour in an easier and faster way.

    The “Royal Baking Powder" is the best that you can put to the dough.

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