Among the numerous varieties of Mexican enchiladas are found the Swiss enchiladas, so called because they are covered with melted cheese, cream and onion. Ingredients that seem to associate with the delights of the Alps.
In the Mexican cuisine it sounds strange to have an authentic Mexican dish, which is named with the word “Swiss”. The legend says that the Swiss enchiladas are so named because when Walter Sanborn (founder of Sanborns) came to Mexico and saw this dish so white, he said that it reminded him of the snow of the Swiss Alps.
Although in this main course there is more, lots more... because underneath all that white cover lies a green salsa layer that baths some tortillas filled with shredded chicken – best known as enchiladas.
Now imagine the flavor of this dish that combines so many ingredients. The creaminess and delicacy of the cheese and the cream are merged with the acid and spicy touch of the green salsa. Then the precise flavor of the maize along with the delicate flavor of the chicken make all this dish an exquisite mixture, to which it cannot be resisted.
About the Recipe
This is a recipe that is made in many stages, so get ready because there is a lot of work to do.
It is very important to use a cheese that melts in these enchiladas. We recommend the Manchego cheese, Chihuahua cheese, Oaxaca cheese, etc.
We give the recipe with 2 serrano peppers although the chilies quantity can be adjusted to your liking.
Prepare the corn tortillas that are used in these enchiladas so your dish has more freshness.
Mix the saucepan ingredients and bring the salsa to a boil over high heat.
When the salsa boils reduce to medium heat and cook it for about 4 minutes, until it thickens a little and acquires a more intense color; stir occasionally. Then set aside.
Fry the Tortillas
Pour in a frying pan approximately 1 cup of vegetable oil, so you end up having about a 1/2’’ deep oil layer.
Heat the frying pan oil over high heat.
Take 1 maize tortilla with some tongs, dip it in the frying pan oil and fry it for about 7 seconds per each side, until it is lightly fried.
Don’t fry the tortilla for a long time because it will become tostada and it will no longer be useful ☹
Transfer from the frying pan to some paper towels, with the tongs, the tortilla that was fried so it dries and the fat excess is absorbed; then reserve.
Repeat the same procedure with 9 more tortillas, it won’t be necessary to add more vegetable oil in the frying pan.
All this procedure is done so the tortillas have more flavor.
Back to the Chicken...
Verify that the chicken that was left cooking is well cooked, its color must be white outside and inside; if not cook it for a longer time.
Take from the saucepan the chicken breasts with the kitchen spoon, wait until they cool a little and shred them; then set aside.
Don’t throw away the broth that was obtained from cooking the chicken because it is very tasty and you can use it to prepare a soup.
Make the Enchiladas
Heat over medium heat the green salsa that was cooked for about 2 minutes, until it is very hot.
Take with the tongs one of the fried tortillas (that was put on the paper towels) and dip it in the green salsa that was heated.
Put in a baking dish the fried tortilla with salsa and put over the tortilla some of the chicken that was shredded.
Roll the tortilla as taco or fold it as quesadilla; then set aside.
Repeat the same procedure with the other 9 fried tortillas. Upon completion if there is green salsa remaining pour it over the enchiladas.
Although this serrano peppers are canned they have a good consistency, very good flavor and a fabulous hotness – ideal for these enchiladas.
Use “La Banderita Corn Tortillas” to make your enchiladas because they have very good flavor, they are soft and they don’t break at the moment of folding.
Know to perfection the temperature of the food that you cook with the “CDN Thermometer”. This is a very practical thermometer that fits in your pocket, it gives the temperature in 6 to 8 seconds and it is capable of measuring a large range of temperatures.