The enchiladas are a typical Mexican dish that consists of various corn tortillas bathed in salsa and filled with a stew. When the enchiladas are served, on top is put a kind of salad that admits many variations.
In this Mexican recipe the enchiladas are filled with a ground beef stew, the tortillas are covered with a type of green salsa and at the end the enchiladas are garnished with Mexican cream, cheese, avocado, onion and coriander.
– The best part about the enchiladas is that while you eat them, the salsa that covers the enchiladas enters to bath the beef with its tasty flavor. It is a sensation that will delight you.
To make the enchiladas you have to work in many stages, it is a bit complicated but you will have fun with the recipe and surely you will repeat it varying the filling and the salsa.
Prepare the tortillas that are used in this recipe and give a unique flavor to your enchiladas.
In this recipe is very important to use a vegetable oil to fry the tortillas because the olive oil is not good for frying dough.
Make sure that the ground beef is fresh because it lasts a short time in the refrigerator.
Mix the saucepan ingredients and wait for the salsa to boil.
When the salsa boils reduce to medium heat and cook it for about 4 minutes, until it thickens a little; stir occasionally. Then set aside.
Fry the Ground Beef
Finely chop 1/4 of an onion (1.2 oz), then reserve.
Heat in a frying pan over medium-high heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Put in the frying pan the onion that was minced and fry it for approximately 1 minute, until it looks a bit transparent; stir regularly.
Incorporate in the frying pan:
1.1 lbs of Ground Beef.
Pepper to taste.
1 tablespoon of Salt.
Mix the frying pan ingredients and fry them for about 8 minutes, until the beef is well cooked; stir regularly. Then set aside.
Fry the Tortillas
Pour in another frying pan approximately 1 cup of vegetable oil, so you end up having about a 1/2’’ deep oil layer.
Heat the frying pan oil over high heat.
Take 1 maize tortilla with some tongs, dip it in the frying pan oil and fry it for about 7 seconds per each side, until it is lightly fried.
Don’t fry the tortilla for a long time because it will become tostada and it will no longer be useful ☹
Transfer from the frying pan to some paper towels, with the tongs, the tortilla that was fried so it dries and the fat excess is absorbed; then reserve.
Repeat the same procedure with 9 more tortillas, it won’t be necessary to add more vegetable oil in the frying pan.
All this procedure is made so the tortillas have more flavor.
Make the Enchiladas
Cut 1 avocado into strips and also finely chop 1/4 of an onion (1.2 oz) and 2 coriander sprigs; then set aside.
Heat over medium heat the green salsa that was cooked for about 2 minutes, until it is very hot.
Take with the tongs one of the fried tortillas (that was put on the paper towels) and dip it in the green salsa that was heated.
Put on a large plate the fried tortilla with salsa, put over the tortilla some of the ground beef that was cooked and roll it as taco or fold it as quesadilla; then set aside.
Repeat the same procedure with the other 9 fried tortillas. Upon completion if there is green salsa remaining pour it over the enchiladas.
Add over the green enchiladas with ground beef the following ingredients:
1/2 cup of Mexican Cream.
The Onion that was minced.
The Avocado strips that were cut.
1/4 cup of crumbled Fresh Cheese.
Sprinkle the Coriander that was minced.
Preferably put the ingredients in the same order as given so the enchiladas come out divine.
Enjoy these Delicious Enchiladas
Suggestion: After the enchiladas, close your meal with a tasty Mexican dessert.
If you want a ground beef with a very good flavor and that it arrives fresh to the door of your house – the “Omaha Ground Beef” is the one.
Use “La Banderita Corn Tortillas” to make your enchiladas because they have very good flavor, they are soft and they don’t break at the moment of folding.
If you don’t find tomatillos where you live, you can go for the option of canned tomatillos with “La Costena Tomaillos”. Unfortunately, the flavor is not the same as that of the fresh tomatillos but they will do a good job in your enchiladas.