The beans are so abundant in Mexico, that there are many recipes with beans within the Mexican cuisine. Although none of these recipes is as famous nor as versatile as the refried beans.
This dish has mashed beans (similar to the consistency of a puree), which are fried so they acquire more flavor. As a final touch they are garnished with crumbled cheese and tortilla chips; which makes them look magnificent – and its flavor is so good that you will want to eat them at every time of the day.
Mash the beans to perfection and get the exact consistency that you were looking for in your beans with the “Jamie Oliver Masher”.
This is the cotija cheese that you have to put to your beans, because it carries the authentic Mexican flavor.
The “R. W. Garcia Tortilla Chips” apart from having a great maize flavor they are also natural, crispy, low-salt and no fat nor preservatives. Ideal to accompany your Mexican food.