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Salsa for
The reality is that although the enchiladas can be covered with an infinity of salsas a point can be reached in which you no longer know which salsa to use. When that point is reached go to this salsa. It consists of a basic red salsa for enchiladas that gives a perfect flavor to the enchiladas regardless with what they are filled.
About the Recipe
- In this recipe you are going to work a little but nothing is hard to do.
- The salsa for enchiladas is prepared with ancho peppers and we recommend buying the ones that are large and flexible because those are the ones that have better flavor.
- In the preparation peppercorns are used and don’t substitute them for ground pepper because it has less flavor.
- 15 minutes are enough to prepare the salsa.
- The recipe yields 2 cups.
Work with the Chilies- Discard the veins and the seeds of 3 ancho peppers.
It is very important to remove the veins and the seeds of the chilies so the salsa has a soft texture. |
- Put on a griddle over medium heat the ancho peppers with the ones you worked and roast them for about 2 minutes, until all their sides are lightly roasted; move them regularly with some tongs.
- Transfer from the griddle to a bowl, with the tongs, the ancho peppers that were roasted.
- Cover the ancho peppers that were put on the bowl with boiling water.
- Leave the ancho peppers that were put in the bowl soaking for about 5 minutes, until they are soft.
While the Chilies are Ready...
- Finely chop 1 onion and reserve.
- Verify that the ancho peppers that were left soaking are soft, if not leave them soaking for a longer time.
- Transfer from the bowl to a blender, with the tongs, the ancho peppers that were soaked.
- Also add in the blender:
- 6 Tomatoes.
- 1 Garlic clove.
- 5 Black Peppercorns.
- Blend very well the ingredients and reserve.
- Heat in a saucepan over medium heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
- Incorporate in the saucepan the onion that was minced and fry it for approximately 1 minute, until it looks a bit transparent; stir regularly.
- Add in the saucepan:
- The Mixture that was blended.
- 1/2 tablespoon of Salt.
- Mix very well the saucepan ingredients.
- Cook the salsa for enchiladas for about 5 minutes, until it thickens a little and acquires an intense red color; stir occasionally.
A Basic Recipe
☾ Red Enchiladas with Chicken
☾ Green Enchiladas with Pork
☾ Red Enchiladas with Cottage Cheese
☾ Green Enchiladas with Melted Cheese