The ceviche is a recipe that can be found in all Latin America but the origin is attributed to Peru. Where thousands of years ago the indigenous people began cooking fish in the juice of a citrus. Then ingredients started to be added to this preparation and with the arrival of the Spaniards more ingredients were included.
The ceviche is a recipe that has been adopted and adapted in many countries, including Mexico. In the Mexican ceviche you will find a great combination of fresh ingredients, elaborated flavors and a spicy touch. But the best about this dish is that it has the ability of making you feel at a wonderful Mexican beach.
In this recipe only the fish has to be marinated and then mixed with many ingredients. Steps that are very easy to perform.
The ceviche is prepared with raw fish therefore you must buy the freshest fish that you find. Don’t worry you won’t eat raw fish, it is cooked with lime.
It is also important buying skinless and boneless fish because it is very complex to remove them.
The recipe is prepared with white fish and you can use the pompano, snook, golden, sawfish, tilapia, etc.