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Fried Plantains
–a perfect companion–
*In Mexico the plantain tendency is that it is only used in the cuisines of some Mexican regions. It is an especillay popular ingredient in the southern states like Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiapas and Oaxaca.
About the Recipe
- The best about this recipe is that it is very cheap and anyone can do it.
- Use vegetable oil to fry the plantain because it stands high temperatures, it helps the plantain not to get burned and it doesn’t give any flavor to the dish.
- When you choose the plantain, look for one that has a black peel as this indicates that it is ripe and sweet.
- Don’t prepare this recipe with regular banana because it loses its consistency.
- Preparation time .
- This recipe serves 2 plates.
- Peel 1 plantain.
- Cut the plantain that was peeled into diagonal slices of approximately .2’’ thick, then reserve.
- Pour in a frying pan approximately 1 cup of vegetable oil, so you end up having about a 1/2’’ deep oil layer.
- Heat the frying pan oil over high heat.
- Put in the frying pan the plantain slices that were cut and fry them for about 2 minutes per each side, until they are moderately fried.
Don’t get scared when the plantain slices are put in the oil because many bubbles will pop-up. |
- Transfer from the frying pan to some paper towels, with the tongs, the fried plantain slices so they dry and the fat excess is absorbed.